In the spirit of the RBM Partnership’s motto “achieving more, together”, we welcome all interested organisations and individuals to join us this World Malaria Day.
We encourage all partners and communities around the world to mark the day, whether by holding your own event or sharing content on social media. To support you with this, we have developed a range of campaign materials for you to download and disseminate on your platforms.
These include calls to action, social media graphics and posts to help you promote World Malaria Day and raise awareness of this treatable and curable disease.
Join the countdown: A virtual countdown to World Malaria Day will commence on 1 April, with all partners invited to publish a daily visual asset on social media highlighting the 24 countries and territories that have reached zero malaria since 2000. Join us in counting down to Zero Malaria @endmalaria.
Attend the forum: On 21 April, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the RBM Partnership will jointly hold the Virtual Forum on Malaria Elimination. During this event, WHO will announce 27 countries and territories that have the potential to eliminate malaria by 2025, as well as review progress towards the 2020 global elimination milestone of 10 countries. Register for the event here.
Draw the line against malaria: Through the Muundo language created by Láolú Senbanjo, global artist from Nigeria, we ask people everywhere to visit zeromalaria.org on World Malaria Day and add a personal line of Muundo art which represents a visual call to action to world leaders. The artwork will be shared with leaders at the Malaria and NTDs Summit on 24 June 2021. Make sure to share your contribution on social media!
Light up: Countries around the world will observe World Malaria Day with their own events, some illuminating important landmarks at 21:00 local time on 25th April. This global relay will mark progress towards zero malaria around the world and highlight the urgency of ending this disease everywhere. Make sure you follow the events online!
Spread the word on social media: Visit our social media toolkit here to find suggested social media posts and assets to promote World Malaria Day. Make sure to use #DrawTheLine, #ZeroMalaria and #WorldMalariaDay across social media to drive the conversation!