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WMD 2020

This World Malaria Day, support us to emphasize the power and responsibility – no matter where we live – to ensure no one dies from a mosquito bite, as we call on everyone to be accountable in the fight against malaria

  • Invest in robust health and surveillance systems and sustaining malaria prevention and control interventions to help ensure millions of the most vulnerable are protected from malaria and new diseases like COVID-19.
  • We must close the $2 billion annual gap in malaria funding to develop transformative tools and reach the most vulnerable people with the life-saving malaria interventions they need.
  • We can significantly improve maternal health and child survival by increasing access to life saving tools for the millions of pregnant women and children still at risk of malaria.
  • Invest in the development and scale up of innovative tools and technologies to help us beat malaria and the mosquito that carries it.
  • More countries than ever are closer to eliminating malaria. Targeted investments to fill gaps in malaria programming can propel regions like the Americas and countries on the verge of elimination to reach their goal of zero malaria.
  • Be the generation that ends malaria. Learn more and join us to hold global leaders accountable to their commitments at


Assets from partners



MODELS AGAINST MALARIA (MAM) carries out sanitation exercise, lectures, and also provides the communities with treated insecticides mosquito nets, mosquito repellants and valuable gifts to families. The MAM group consists of professional models who act as an advocacy tool for engaging public figures and celebrities around the world to contribute their quota towards humanity by using their publicity prowess to draw stronger attention to malaria infections; delivering life-saving health supplies; and sanitation equipment to families and rural communities.

Elhadj Diop

Elhadj Diop, champion of the Zero Malaria Starts With Me campaign, is celebrating the 20th Annivesary of his association to fight against malaria (AISM Thienaba) digitially, while actively informing his community around COVID-19 prevention. His motto: Let's fight against COVID-19 without forhgetting our oldest enemy, malaria! 

Stay Safe Africa

As the world comes together to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to ensure that essential services and operations continue to protect the lives of people affected by or at-risk of malaria. Stay Safe Africa seeks to empower communities and individuals to take simple and proven preventative measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Africa and other diseases such as malaria. © Speak Up Africa


MODELS AGAINST MALARIA (MAM) is the Anti-Malaria Advocacy, Awareness & Prevention initiative of Models Village Foundation (MVF) established in 2017, with the mission to contribute towards the eradication of malaria epidemic.The platform is built around professional fashion models and medical team as major advocacy tool for engaging the public, stakeholders, brands and agencies around the world, in attempt to draw stronger attention to malaria while delivering life-saving health supplies and empowerment packages to vulnerable families in rural communities.

Medicines for Malaria Venture

Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) discovers, develops and delivers new effective and affordable antimalarial medicines to reduce the burden of malaria in disease-endemic countries. This World Malaria Day, let’s pledge that #TheFightMustContinue. Share the above graphic and tag us on Twitter @MedsforMalaria or Facebook @MedicinesforMalaria.


As a team we are committed to blocking malaria from causing more harm to Nigeria and the world, we are also calling on all global leaders to unite against malaria through enhancing their commitment towards achieving a malaria-free society. Follow us on our social media handles @BlockMalaria to know more about our works. 

WMD 2020

When it comes to declaring #ZeroMalariaStartsWithMe#SierraLeone is leading the way! This #WorldMalariaDay2020, join us, challenge your friends and share your photos!

World Malaria Day 2020 in Guinea

World Malaria Day 2020 in Guinea.

We are in the middle of a global health crisis. Now more than ever, it's time to call on governments to ensure we have strong health systems in place to protect against existing diseases like malaria and emerging ones like #COVID19, and secure #HealthForAll. #WorldMalariaDay #endmalaria

Africare Nigeria

Africare Nigeria: Malaria is treatable! Before taking any malaria drug, ensure that you are diagnosed to confirm that you have Malaria. #ZeroMalariaStartsWithMe #WorldMalariaDay2020



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