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Take Action World Mosquito Day 2023

This World Mosquito Day we call on everyone to play their part in the fight to end malaria and ensure no one dies from a mosquito bite.

We encourage all partners and communities around the world to mark the day by joining our social media campaign and sharing World Mosquito Day content online. We have developed a range of campaign materials  for you to download and disseminate on your platforms, including innovation-related assets and templates for you to amplify your own activities.




Spread the word on social media: 

Visit our social media toolkit  to find example posts and assets to share on social media this World Mosquito Day. Make sure to use #EndMalaria, #ZeroMalaria and #WorldMosquitoDay to drive the conversation!

Amplify stories and content from Partners: 

Make sure you read the latest stories from Partners and engage with their content.