The VCWG will be led by two Co-chairs, appointed by the membership of the Working Group. The Co-chairs serve in a personal capacity, not as representatives of their employing organisation.
The Co-chairs will be responsible for:
- Shepherding the preparation of annual workplans and budget and oversee the implementation of work plans.
- Responsibility for stewardship of the Working Group, including authorising expenditures by the Working Group Secretariat.
- Establishment and guidance of the Workstreams.
- Preparation and chairing of VCWG meetings.
- Review of meeting minutes.
- Representation of VCWG in all RBM mechanisms.
- Take part in quarterly coordination meetings between the Working Groups and the Partner Committee Co-chairs, chaired by the RBM CEO.
- Promote strategic linkages and collaboration with other regional networks to advance the objectives and VCWG and RBM Partnership as a whole.
Working Group Secretariat
The VCWG shall be supported by its own Working Group Secretariat. The VCWG will report to the RBM Partnership Management Team through its Co-chairs and Working Group Secretariat. The VCWG reports to the RBM Partnership Board through the CEO.
The Secretariat will be responsible for:
- Coordination and organisation of VCWG meetings in collaboration with Co-chairs.
- Support to secure facilities for meetings (rooms, conference call facilities, etc.)
- Finalise the supporting meeting documentation.
- Preparation and dissemination of meeting minutes.
- Maintenance of VCWG homepage, uploading meeting minutes, disseminating progress reports and relevant information for the whole VCWG, including quarterly updates for the RBM CEO on the VCWG work.
- Maintenance of the membership list.
- Coordination of the VCWG fund mobilisation efforts in collaboration with the Co-chairs.
- In case of unavailability of the Co-chairs, representation of VCWG in RBM mechanisms.
- Other supporting functions as appropriate.
Functions of the Working Group
The VCWG has a role to support the implementation of Vector Control Guidance generated by WHO and to galvanise efforts towards achieving specific country and global malaria elimination targets.
The working group does that through the following specific activities:
VCWG convenes meetings, workshops, and other forums to develop consensus among stakeholders through adaptation and implementation of WHO norms and standards and to share innovations and experiences.
VCWG supports and co-ordinates dialogue between national programs, product manufacturers, academia and implementers to understand each other’s needs, find innovative solutions and stimulate appropriate research and development.
Facilitate Communication:
VCWG has a very diverse membership, and our annual meetings and Workstream Task Teams provide unique opportunities for connection and networking around specific areas of interest. VCWG also works with other RBM Working Groups and Partner Committees, as appropriate, to provide detailed input on vector control related topics.
For further information, please refer to the VCWG Revised Terms of Reference adopted in April 2018 following the 9th RBM Partnership Board meeting. The governance and management of the group follows the Working Group Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).