Caterina Guinovart, ISGlobal/PATH
Caterina provided a presentation remotely on the WHO technical consultation on the malaria rebound phenomenon. She defined rebound used in the review as, “Period of increased malaria risk after time-limited protection from malaria (i.e., after chemoprevention, vaccination, vector control), relative to individuals of the same age from the same population who did not receive the intervention.” Caterina stated that the primary objective of the review is to conduct a literature review of studies that specifically evaluated rebound or that presented data on malaria-related outcomes after the malaria interventions were discontinued. This includes malaria intervention research that took place in malaria-endemic areas, with a control arm or comparison group that did not receive the intervention, regardless of transmission intensity or population age. She also elaborated on the review question and eligibility criteria, which were that the follow-up period postintervention was more than one month in both the intervention and the comparison arm.