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Developing M&E Plans for Malaria Social and Behavior Change Programs: A Step-by-Step Guide - Third Edition

How to use this guide

This document provides guidance on how to develop a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan and to assist users with completing the illustrative template for an M&E plan (Annex 2). This document should be used with the Malaria Social and Behavior Change Indicator Reference Guide, which provides detailed information on indicator selection and measurement and potential data sources.

Purpose of an M&E plan

Social and behavior change (SBC) is a vital part of malaria programs; it helps ensure that communities seek prevention, diagnostic, and treatment services; and use malaria medicine and insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) properly (Koenker et al., 2014). To be successful, SBC programs need to encompass more than just the design and printing of materials. As the figure below shows, a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system must be the foundation of an SBC program (RBM Partnership to End Malaria, 2017).