Hellen Gatakaa, PHellen provided a presentation on the Guide for Developing Data Dictionaries. Speaking on the background of this initiative, Hellen accentuated the importance of understanding of indicator calculation for appropriate analysis and interpretation of indicators, being mindful of the fact that the data dictionary is seldom accessible to all users. There is also a need to understand the historic data elements and indicators found in the routine health information system. It is critical, therefore, to set up the WHO/Global Malaria Programme (GMP) malaria module, including data mapping. Hellen highlighted the purpose of the guide, stressing that implementing the guide will enable updating of the HMIS to ensure that the “right” data are captured and comprehensively defined. The methodology used in developing the guide involves an engagement process phase and a technical process phase. She enlightened participants how to use and update the guide. Some limitations of the guide stemmed from the fact that the digital solution is subject to constraints in DHIS2, the guide may not improve immediate access to information on data structure, and the guide may not generate immediate solutions to the bottlenecks identified in data analysis and interpretation.MI Measure Malaria