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Application period: 15-Feb-2022 to 09-Mar-2022

"Qualified female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

The Country/Regional Support Partner Committee (CRSPC) provides a platform to engage the RBM Partnership community in coordinating support to countries and regions as they execute their malaria control and elimination implementation programmes. Support is tailored to suit the requirements and existing capacity in each country and region.

The Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) Senior Specialist shall work for the RBM Country/Regional Support Partner Committee (CRSPC) to provide technical support to national malaria programmes in optimizing the quality and effectiveness of country and regional programming of malaria including developing plans, conducting reviews, providing ongoing support in programme implementation, addressing bottlenecks, resource mobilisation and advocacy.

Strategy, planning and implementation technical assistance

  • Lead the definition of the campaign strategy: roles and responsibilities of campaign partners; quantification of human resources and materials required; allocation of ITNs to households and household identification; methods for ITN distribution; etc.; identify specific issues related to multi-product campaigns and security in the macroplanning

  • Lead the development of the plan of action, timeline of activities and macro budget for mass distribution of ITNs

  • Lead discussions related to digitization of campaign processes with a focus on improving effectiveness, efficiency and overall campaign outcomes 

  • Lead the development or modification of tools for campaign implementation, including training guides, data collection forms, training simulation exercises, standard operating procedures, supervision and monitoring checklists, etc.

  • Lead the development of the risk assessment and mitigation strategy related to strategic and operational aspects of the campaign

  • Identify and propose feasible solutions for human resource needs and operational gaps

  • Lead and develop strategies to ensure 100% of targeted households are reached, including mapping and registration team planning, independent monitoring of household registration and/or ITN distribution and in or end process evaluations

  • Lead the development of the templates and materials (agendas, guides for filling and cleaning the microplans, etc.) required for microplanning for operational planning and budgeting, including supporting national malaria programmes to identify digital options for microplanning

  • Lead independent process evaluations of campaign implementation to provide external feedback to national malaria programmes and partners

  • Lead post-campaign review meetings, including development of tools for collection of information from decentralized levels, to provide final inputs to national malaria programmes and partners for reporting


Logistics and in-country supply chain management technical assistance

  • Lead the definition of the logistics and supply chain management strategy: roles and responsibilities of campaign partners, quantification of macro storage and transport requirements, human resources, and methods for ITN distribution, waste management and reverse logistics; identify specific issues related to multi-product campaigns and security in the macroplanning 

  • Lead the development of the logistics plan of action, timeline and budget, as well as supporting documents regarding warehousing, transport and security of ITNs, budgeting, and overall supply chain management

  • Lead the development of the risk assessment and mitigation strategy related to logistics aspects of the campaign

  • Lead discussions related to digitization of logistics processes with a focus on improving effectiveness, efficiency and overall supply chain management outcomes 

  • Lead the development or modification of logistics tools for campaign implementation, such as training guides, logistics tracking tools, training simulation exercises, standard operating procedures, supervision and monitoring checklists, etc.

  • Identify and propose feasible solutions for human resource needs and operational gaps in the area of logistics planning at all levels for adequate reinforcement

  • Lead and develop strategies to ensure 100% ITN accountability, including standard operating procedures for warehouse and transport management, planning and tools for spot checks and ITN reconciliation for each stage of the campaign and each level of the supply chain

  • Lead the development of the templates and materials (agendas, guides for filling and cleaning the microplans, etc.) required for logistics microplanning, including supporting national malaria programmes to identify digital options for microplanning

  • Lead the development of the commodity management assessment protocol and training materials, as well as templates and plans for analysis of data collected and final reporting

  • Lead independent process evaluations of campaign implementation to provide external feedback to national malaria programmes and partners

  • Lead post-campaign review meetings, including development of tools for collection of information from decentralized levels, to provide final inputs to national malaria programmes and partners for reporting


Social and behaviour change (SBC) technical assistance

  • Lead the development of the comprehensive SBC plan of action (which includes advocacy, social mobilization and social and behaviour change communication (SBCC) activities), timeline, and budget for a campaign’s pre- distribution, distribution and post-distribution phases; identify specific issues related to multi-product campaigns and security in the macroplanning

  • Lead the development of the rumour management plan aligned to the context and risks in the areas targeted for the ITN distribution

  • Lead the development of the risk assessment and mitigation strategy related to SBC aspects of the campaign

  • Lead the development of social mobilization strategies and other appropriate communication approaches including the use of mass media for target groups with different communication requirements, as well as the development of advocacy and engagement packages for specific audiences.

  • Lead the development of the creative brief for the campaign, defining the channels and audiences, materials required and timing

  • Lead the development of messages around household registration, procedures for ITN distribution, and promoting the acceptable use, care, maintenance and/or disposal of expired nets, as well as the disposal of net packaging

  • Lead the development of materials for engagement of implementation-level actors (such as community leaders, civil society organizations, teachers, etc.)

  • Lead the development of SBC modules in training manuals and of teaching and learning tools for training of supervisors, monitors, and implementers at regional and local levels.

  • Lead the development of the templates and materials (agendas, guides for filling and cleaning the microplans, etc.) required for SBC microplanning, including supporting national malaria programmes to identify digital options for microplanning

  • Lead discussions related to digitization of SBC processes with a focus on improving effectiveness, efficiency and overall SBC outcomes 

  • Identify gaps in SBC planning or resources for high quality execution of the campaign for follow up

  • Lead post-campaign review meetings, including development of tools for collection of information from decentralized levels, to provide final inputs to national malaria programmes and partners for reporting


Monitoring and evaluation

  • Lead the development of the monitoring and evaluation plan (either standalone or as part of the global campaign plan), including the table of indicators linked to the different campaign activities 

  • Lead the development of protocols, including sampling methodologies, and questionnaires for in process, end process, independent or rapid monitoring or post-campaign evaluation

  • Lead the development of data collection forms, training materials and agendas, training simulation exercises, supervision and monitoring checklists, etc.

  • Lead the analysis of the data collected and ensure key indicators identified are reported against 

  • Lead the development of the risk assessment and mitigation strategy related to M&E aspects of the campaign

  • Lead discussions related to digitization of M&E processes with a focus on improving effectiveness, efficiency and overall campaign outcomes 

  • Lead the development of the database to be used for collecting all information during each phase of campaign activities and ensure that the key information can be extracted daily for programmatic actions to improve quality of service

  • Lead independent process evaluations of campaign implementation to provide external feedback to national malaria programmes and partners

  • Lead post-campaign review meetings, including development of tools for collection of information from decentralized levels, to provide final inputs to national malaria programmes and partners for reporting

  • Identify gaps in M&E planning or resources for high quality execution of the campaign for follow up