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The RBM Partnership to End Malaria is seeking two new Board members this year to replace those rotating off and to consider candidates for possible vacancies in 2020. An overview of the nomination and selection process for the RBM Partnership Board is provided in this document.The Board particularly encourages nominations from female candidates as well as candidates from malaria endemic countries or regions. The deadline for receipt of nominations is 18 August 2019 with the nomination and selection process due to conclude by 6 September 2019.

Since 1998, the RBM Partnership to End Malaria (formerly Roll Back Malaria) has been central to the global fight against malaria. The past twenty years have seen tremendous gains in reducing the burden of disease and progressing towards malaria elimination.

The success of the RBM Partnership in harmonising partner action against malaria has enabled us to set an ambitious target: with the WHO Global Technical Strategy and accompanying RBM Action and Investment to defeat Malaria (AIM) setting our collective sights on a further 90% reduction by 2030; and the Global Goals for Sustainable Development under Target 3.3 calling to "end" malaria by 2030. The expected cost to achieve these goals is currently estimated at ~$100 billion, setting us an equally ambitious resource mobilisation challenge.

The RBM Partnership established a new Board in 2016, of up to 15 members, selected to bring enhanced levels of skills and experience at a senior decision-making level and representation from across the Partnership, including malaria-affected countries, private sector, entities outside the malaria and health sectors, civil society and donors. The list of the current Board Members can be found here:
