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The MSWG will be led by two Co-chairs, appointed by the membership of the Working Group. The Co-chairs serve in a personal capacity, not as representatives of their employing organisation. 

The Co-chairs will be responsible for: 

  • Preparation and chairing of MSWG meetings, review of meeting minutes, including setting the attendance fees to ensure that there will be a proper representation of members from malaria-affected countries at the meetings. 
  • Preparation of the Bi-annual workplan and Budget, including setting SMART1 objectives by which progress can be objectively monitored. • Mobilising the resources necessary for the delivery of the workplan. 
  • Organising the Workstreams that will deliver on different aspects of the workplan, appointing Workstream leaders, and regularly monitoring the progress of the Workstreams against the targets set in the workplan. 
  • Representation of MSWG to all RBM mechanisms. 
  • Take part in quarterly coordination meetings between the Working Groups and the Partner Committee Co-chairs, chaired by the RBM CEO. 
  • Promote strategic linkages and collaboration with other regional networks to advance the objectives and MSWG and RBM partnership as a whole.  

Working Group Secretariat

The day-to-day administration of the MSWG will be carried out by the Workstream Secretariat, who will be appointed by the Co-chairs from candidates proposed by members of the Working Group. 

The Secretariat will be responsible for: 

  • Coordination and organisation of the Working Group meetings in collaboration with the Co-chairs.  
  • Preparation and dissemination of meeting notes and/or minutes to attendees and the wider membership as appropriate, including quarterly updates for the RBM CEO on the MSWG work. 
  • he administration of the process for reviewing applications for Working Group membership and informing applicants whether they have been accepted or not.  
  • Maintenance of the database of members of the Working Group and the associated distribution mailing lists. 
  • Maintenance of the MSWG section of the RBM Partnership website. 
  • Distributing information and publications of interest to the Working Group members through the Working Group distribution mailing list. 
  • Coordinate MSWG fund mobilisation efforts in collaboration with the Co-chairs. 
  • In case of unavailability of the Co-chairs, representation of MSWG to RBM mechanisms. 
  • Other supporting functions as appropriate.