The MiP WG will act as an advisory body to the RBM Partnership Board, through the RBM CEO, on all matters pertaining to the implementation and scale-up of interventions for the prevention and control of malaria during pregnancy at the global, regional, and national levels.
The MiP WG prioritises the following key areas:
- Strengthen ANC platform for integrated service delivery, including MiP interventions.
- Advocate for increased IPTp uptake and the prioritization of consistent supplies of quality assured SP for IPTp, the provision of ITNs to pregnant women during ANC, and improved ITN coverage for all women of child bearing age.
- Synthesize and update new research findings to inform MiP policy documents and programme implementation
- Support SpeedUp ScaleUp IPTp campaign for increased uptake of IPTp3.
Develop key tools and products targeting policy makers and programme managers with the most up to date information in MiP programming, such as:
- MiP Infographic
- Case Management Job Aid
- Early IPTp Uptake Toolkit
- MiP Advocacy Guide
- 1st Trimester ACT Brief
- Consensus Statement on c-IPTp
Country support
- Promote partnerships between reproductive health and malaria control programs
- Support documentation and dissemination of country experiences and best practices
- Provide guidance to the application of WHO ANC guidelines to country MiP interventions
- Collaborate with other RBM mechanisms and align RBM partners on best practices in MiP programming .
- Support RMNCAH integration
Policy development and promotion
- Participate in WHO ANC guidelines development
- Promote the translation of new evidence and new WHO policy guidance to help countries expand MiP programming
- Identify linkages with research for effective implementation and policy development
- Incorporate findings from pilot studies, e.g.: community approaches, to influence policy dialogue at the global and country levels