- Michael Macdonald - Welcome
- Jo Lines - Objectives and Agenda
- Konstantina Boutsika - Budget Update & Website
- Michael Macdonald - Lessons Learned
- Jason Peat - Lessons learned
- Tom McLean - IVCC
- Christian Lengeler and John Gimnig - Optimizing Evidence for Vector Control
- Jane Hemingway and Maureen Coetzee - Insecticide Resistance Workstream 2012
- Marc Coosemans and Dr Chusak Prasittusuk - Outdoor Malaria Transmission Work Stream: update 2012 and plans
- Jayne Webster and Kojo Lokko - Continuous LLIN Distribution Systems Work Stream Update 2012 and plans
- Albert Kilian - Work Stream: Durability of LLIN in the Field: Update 2012 and plans
- M. Shiva - Indoor Residual House Spraying Work Stream
- Lucy Tusting - Larval Source Management Work Stream Update and plans
- Raman Velayudhan - Integrated Vector Management and entomological monitoring- updates and plans
- Chang Moh Seng - APMEN Inventory of Information and Guidance Documents on Larviciding for Malaria Control, Especially in Elimination Environments
- Chang Moh Seng - APMEN Survey of Vector Control Activities and Capacities in APMEN Country Partners: Implications for Elimination
- Inigo Garmendia - New tools to improve IRS applications
- Kamaraju Raghavendra - A novel insecticide molecule for management of insecticide resistance in major malaria vectors in India
- Lisa Woods - South Sudan Community-based LLIN Continuous DistribuLon Pilot in Lainya County
- Muhammad Mukhtar - Assessment of Community Acceptance and Preferences for Different WHOPES-Recommended Brands of LLINs in Pakistan
- Muhammad Mukhtar - Community awareness, perceptions for using LLINs and factors influencing their efficacy for malaria control in Pakistan
- Tessa Knox - Online interactive platform for mapping reports of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors
- Tessa Knox - PAMCA