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Intergenerational pledge to end malaria

Intergenerational pledge to end malaria

Malaria has for long stopped people from going to work, to school, to do sports activities …… it has stood in the way of individual dreams and national development – keeping affected countries poor. But today, 20th September 2024, at the 79 th UN General Assembly Summit of the future, we say, stand as the generation that will end malaria. We shall play our part to:

  • Protect our environment and create a healthier and safer world that malaria carrying mosquitoes fail to exist.
  • Demand that more resources are invested to end malaria.
  • Demand development actionable implementation of new and existing  inclusive policies to address malaria and other intersecting factors that make it worse.
  • Mobilize communities on and offline to build a powerful and inclusive movement against malaria.
  • Demand and be part of inclusive innovation and research to outsmart malaria.

The United Nations State of the World Youth report indicates that the global youth population is 2.4 billion and is the largest in history. Let’s join our voices to that of young people.

We can all #EndMalaria once and for all.

Zero malaria starts with you and me.Take the intergenerational pledge today.

Click here to Sign up the pledge

190 signatures have been received.

Intergenerational pledge to end malaria