In preparation for the Global Fund funding request for the Grant Cycle 7 (GC7), the RBM Partnership to End Malaria Country Regional Support Partner Committee organized two back-to-back orientation workshops in Nairobi, Kenya, from December 12–17, 2022. Fifty three malaria endemic countries attended from Africa, the Americas, and the Asia Pacific, and were represented by Malaria Programme Managers, M&E Officers, Global Fund focal personnel and their local country partners. In addition, the workshop was attended by RBM Secretariat, Global Fund Secretariat, RBM consultants supporting countries, WHO, US PMI, and other Partners. Both events were held as hybrid meetings, with in-person and virtual participation, and had a strong turnout, attracting a total of 373 face-to-face participants and 266 virtual participants, that included UN agencies, NGOs, academia, parliamentarians, private sector, and Civil Societies.
The objective of the meeting was to orient the eligible countries on the different application materials and tools for the GC7, provide updates on technical recommendations, offer an exchange platform to countries for sharing their current challenges and past application experiences and provide an opportunity to work on application development plans, timelines and technical assistance needed. This meeting is also an opportunity to present the tools and mechanisms available to support countries develop technically robust malaria concept notes that fit into their needs and specific contexts.
The national malaria programs were guided through the application procedure, tools, and timelines for the 2023-2025 cycle proposals to allow for forward planning. The participants were oriented on the new and existing Global Fund application tools and materials; updated on WHO technical recommendations for malaria; updated on the RBM/CRSPC support tools including the use of the programmatic and financial gap analysis template; and identified the technical support needs.The post meeting evaluation displayed a very high satisfaction rate across all countries and partners, highlighting the importance both workshops had in increasing Country preparedness for the upcoming funding cycles.
See all documents:
- WHO presentations: English | French
- Global Fund presentations: English | Spanish | French
- CRSPC presentations: English | French | Portuguese
- Meeting concept note
- Information Note - Anglophone Country Session 12- 14 Dec 2022
- Information Note - All other Countries Session 15- 17 Dec 2022
- Meeting Report