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Country overview

Macro-economic and population profile[1]

GDP per capita (USD) (2016) 2,175.70
Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) (2016) 9.5
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) (2016) 21
Industry value added (% of GDP) (2016) 18
Services value added (% of GDP) (2016) 60
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (Balance of Payments, current USD) (millions) (2016) 4,435
Country population (2016) 190.9 million
Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of population) (2016) 46 (2010)
Urban population growth (annual %) (2016) 4.3
World Bank ease of doing business ranking (out of 190 countries)[2] 145

Malaria burden and funding profile[3]

Estimated number of malaria cases (2016) 57,300,000
Malaria incidence/1,000 population at risk (2015) 380.8
Key national malaria control targets Provide 80% of targeted populations with preventive measures by 2020, and treat all individuals with confirmed malaria seen in public or private facilities with effective antimalarial drugs by 2020.
Total need (essential commodities + supporting interventions) (2018-2020) (USD) 2,181,008,341
Total committed (essential commodities + supporting interventions) (2018-2020) (USD) 696,046,966
Total gap in funding (essential commodities + supporting interventions) (2018-2020)(USD) 1,484,961,375

Sources of funding:


Overview of country economy and private sector landscape

Nigeria is Africa's most populous country and one of the world's largest oil producers. Driven by these oil revenues, Nigeria’s GDP has increased over the past decade making it Africa’s second largest economy today. It is a major economic hub, but malaria has a significant impact on Nigeria’s business sector, with an estimated annual GDP loss of USD1.1 billion due to malaria-related absenteeism and treatment costs.[4] A growing class of business philanthropists and private sector are increasingly investing and engaging in activities to improve the health of its workforces and communities.

A major driving force of private sector engagement for malaria in Nigeria is the Corporate Alliance on Malaria in Africa (CAMA). In 2015, CAMA made a two-year commitment to establish a presence in Nigeria and commenced a focused programme of activities to engage the Nigerian private sector to support the National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP). CAMA’s work in Nigeria focused on building awareness of the need for private sector involvement, assessing the current contributions being made by business in-country, providing visibility for companies currently engaged in malaria activities, and identifying partnerships where business expertise and resources could partner. CAMA has an active network of private sector partners in Nigeria and represents the private sector in two of the National Malaria Eradication Program’s working groups. Their activities include convenings, private sector advocacy, and private sector input into strategic consultations, and have facilitated the development of more than five public-private and private-private partnerships.

In 2016, CAMA conducted a mapping of private sector malaria investments (human resource, technical, and financial) in Nigeria, demonstrating that companies are investing over NGN 3.2 billion (approx. USD 8.9M) annually on malaria control, in addition to in-kind donations and technical guidance provided to implementing partners by leveraging their core competencies.[5] The results also showed that while the majority of investments were directed towards prevention efforts, this was mainly achieved through the distribution of LLINs. The mapping exercise found that there is untapped potential to scale-up indoor residual spraying (IRS) in the country, and that the concentration of current private sector investments is more closely correlated to areas of industrialization, rather than malaria prevalence. While overall the report highlighted the promise of private sector involvement for malaria prevention and treatment, there was also caution that the recent economic slowdown in Nigeria, in particular the instability of the local currency and fall in oil prices, raises concerns about the ability of the private sector to provide sustainable funding for malaria programming. Additionally, there was reluctance on the part of the private sector to directly fund government programs due to a lack of transparency and concerns around corruption and absorptive capacity.

The World Bank ease of doing business report ranks Nigeria as 145 of 190 countries in 2017, rising twenty-four places from the previous year due to improvements in business registrations, access to credit information, and taxation systems.

[1] Sources: World Bank Development Indicators, accessed at: on 17th June 2018; and World Bank Doing Business Reports, accessed at on 17th June 2018.

[2] A ranking of 1 would equate to the highest ease of doing business, with a regulatory environment conducive to the starting and operation of a local firm.

[3] Sources: World Malaria Report 2017, accessed at on 5th June 2018; and Roll Back Malaria Funding Gap Analysis 2017, accessed at on on 5th June 2018.

[4] CAMA. Mobilizing Nigeria’s private sector for Malaria control & elimination, CAMA two year commitment report. 2017. Available at:

[5] CAMA. Mapping private sector Malaria investments. 2017. Available at: