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Country overview

Macro-economic and population profile[1]

GDP per capita (USD) (2016) 364.2
Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) (2016) -0.4
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) (2016) 41
Industry value added (% of GDP) (2016) 18
Services value added (% of GDP) (2016) 40
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (Balance of Payments, current USD) (millions) (2016) 293
Country population (2016)  21.5 million
Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of population) (2016) 44.5
Urban population growth (annual %) (2016) 5.3
World Bank ease of doing business ranking (out of 190 countries)[2] 144

Malaria burden and funding profile[3]

Estimated number of malaria cases (2016) 7,830,000
Malaria incidence/1,000 population at risk (2015) 356.5
Key national malaria control targets Reduce the incidence of malaria and malaria mortality by 2021 by at least 40% compared to 2015
Total need (essential commodities + supporting interventions) (2018-2020) (USD) 238,828,666
Total committed (essential commodities + supporting interventions) (2018-2020) (USD) 121,368,767
Total gap in funding (essential commodities + supporting interventions) (2018-2020)(USD) 117,459,899

Sources of funding:


Overview of country economy and private sector landscape

Niger has experienced a series of coups and political instability following its independence from France in 1960. The economy of the country centres on subsistence crops, livestock, and some of the world’s largest uranium deposits.[4] It is currently a net crude oil-exporter, however, security threats at its borders, drought cycles, desertification, and the drop in world demand for uranium have undercut the economy.

[1] Sources: World Bank Development Indicators, accessed at: on 17th June 2018; and World Bank Doing Business Reports, accessed at on 17th June 2018.

[2] A ranking of 1 would equate to the highest ease of doing business, with a regulatory environment conducive to the starting and operation of a local firm.

[3] Sources: World Malaria Report 2017, accessed at on 5th June 2018; and Roll Back Malaria Funding Gap Analysis 2017, accessed at on on 5th June 2018.

[4] The Africa Report. Niger’s petrol mining and ICT boom. Accessed on: