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Vector Control & Multisectoral WG 

joint meeting.

Tue, 23 Apr 2024 - Sat, 22 Jun 2024



Broad Goals and activities




Emerging topics

  1. Building a broader approach to mosquito management across the built envioronment:
    1. Seth Irish, WHO GMP
    2. Michael Macdonald, Consultant
    3. Olukayode Odufuwa (discussant)
  2. Locally focused approaches 
    1. Robert Mugerwa, Uganda NMCD
    2. David McGuire, IVCC
    3. Samuel Asare-Bediako Benso Oil Palm Plantation, Ghana
    4. Same Okello (discussant)
  3. List of outcomes from the Joint meeting. 
    1. Corine Ngufor, El Hadji Amadou Niang, Graham Alabaster, Peter Mbabazi
