The fight against malaria in Thailand:
Dr. Rungrawee Tipmontree , DVBD, Thailand

Thailand Surveillance for elimination - experience and results
Ms. Suravadee Kitchakarn, DVBD, Thailand

Cross-bordersurveillance, experience from Senegal/Gambia
Momodou Kalleh, NMCP, Gambia, and Latsouck Diouf, NMCP Senegal

Preparing country for elimination—Experience from Kenya
Jane Githuku, PMM/ICF, Kenya, and Joy Gakenia Murangiri, National Malaria Program, Kenya

Defining key monitoring indicators for targeting of resources and actions
Global Fund indicator revision update, Erica Berlin, PSI. Presentation

Data repositories and data systems challenges and best practices from Nigeria
Chukwu Okoronkwo, NMEP Nigeria.

Data quality assessments for interventions: MACEPA, preliminary results from Zambia

Data quality assessment using malaria routine data quality assessment tool—Kenya
Jane Githuku, PMM/ICF

Malaria Elimination in the Kayin State, East Myanmar
Aung Myint Thu, Project Manager

Surveillance Practice and Data Quality Committee
Hannah Edwards and Julianna Smith, Malaria Consortium

Community Health Committee
Richard J. Maude

Strategy and Action Plan
Molly Robertson

Election of Co-chairs
Yazoume Ye,

Transition of Secretariat support
Yazoume Ye
The 34th SME WG Annual Meeting that held from 22 to 24 May 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand, brought together 32 in-person SMERG participants from 12 countries. Moreover, online participants and speakers from various countries had the opportunity to attend through Zoom.
The main theme for the meeting was
“Malaria elimination surveillance in Southeast Asia – Documenting successes,challenges and lessons learned, in a context of the need for systems resilience to potential threats, to inform surveillance practice in other countries in the Africa region especially those developing
an elimination agenda.”
The subthemes were as follows:
Sub-theme 1: Malaria elimination surveillance (structure, challenges, best practices) (see presentations)
Sub-theme 2: Action report back (see presentations)
Sub-theme 3: Data for evaluation of malaria Interventions (see presentations)
Sub-theme 4: Diversity, quality, and use of data in surveillance for malaria elimination surveillance (see presentations)
Subtheme 5: RBM Partnership/Updates on SME WG business (see presentations)