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Lusaka, Zambia
Thu, 31 Jul 2008 - Sat, 30 Aug 2008

The Third SARN annual planning and review meeting was held in Lusaka from 31 July to 1 August 2008. The meeting was attended by national malaria control programme managers of SADC countries and partners from global, regional and country levels: the SADC Secretariat, the SADC military. Multilaterals, Global fund and other donors, Research and academia, NGOs, Foundations and private sector were represented.

The SARN workplan implementation progress was reviewed, and a joint implementation workplan for 2008/2009 was developed to meet country-specific needs. In addition, a presentation was made on the Roll Back Malaria Zambezi expedition, and the Zambezi! documentary was shown. The outcomes of this advocacy initiative were discussed with the SARN members.


  • Agenda, SARN Meeting, August 2008