Members of the Roll Back Malaria Vector Control Working Group (VCWG) gathered for the fifth annual meeting and discussed current and emerging issues on global malaria vector control, as well as the 2010 work plan.
General Information
Session 1
The RBM Partnership: A Global Framework for Coordinated Action against Malaria
RBM Partnership: Vector Control Working Group
Session 2
Alliance for Malaria Prevention “Expanding the ownership and use of mosquito nets”
RBM VCWG: Progress on Work Plan
Session 3
Combining IRS & LLINs to achieve pre-elimination of malaria in Sri Lanka
What Nigeria Needs in Partnerships to Expand Vector Control?
The National Insecticide Treated Nets Programme (NATNETS)
Papua New Guinea: LLIN universal coverage
Malaria Prevalence in Children in Tanzania
Scale up of IRS/LLINs and Challenges for Matching with Vector Surveillance
Session 4
Resistance patterns in Sub- Saharan Africa
Potential new insecticide candidate classes & lessons learnt from agricultural practices
Development of a Global Strategy against Insecticide Resistance in malaria vectors
Responding to pyrethroid resistance
Session 5
How long LLIN last in the field?
Session 6
LLIN strategies for Universal Coverage
LLINs and IRS Co-deployment and long-term control
Integrated Vector Management and Capacity building for Vector Control
Session 7
Resources forecasting for the future of vector control
LLIN Procurement and Supply Management Workshop
Session 8
Posters Overview
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