Kigali, Rwanda
Thu, 18 Apr 2024 - Sat, 20 Apr 2024
Introduction and Overview of agenda, objectives for MSWG-6 Peter Mbabazi & Graham Alabaster, MSWG
Opening Remarks
- Dr Michael Charles – CEO RBM Partnership to End Malaria
- Dr Emmaneul Hakizimana - Director Vector Control NMCP Rwanda
Update from RBM Partnership to End Malaria Daddi Wayessa, RBM Partnership to End Malaria
Work Streams Sessions
Work tream I: Malaria in the urban context
Healthy Cities, Healthy People (HCHP) initiative
Work Stream II: Agriculture and malaria
- Keynote speech:
- Mosquitoes as a form of agricultural pollution: an unintended consequence of essential economic development Jo Lines, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
- Multisectoral engagement- use of fish in mosquito larvae control - the Rwandan experience Dr Emmaneul Hakizimana, Director Vector Control NMCP Rwanda
- Proximity to irrigation schemes and malaria risk in Karonga, Malawi (selected abstract) Muwoli Dokowe, CRS
Work Stream III: The Pathfinder Endeavour
- World Café: Pathfinder endeavour updates and plans Erik Blas
- Tanzania gears up efforts on multi-sectoral collaboration for control and elimination of malaria Denis Kailembo, Swiss TPH-TEMT
- Integrating malaria and nutrition services through Village Health Nutrition Day Plus platform: Reflections and way forward (selected abstract) Benson Mringo, CRS Tanzania
- Digitalised, data-driven larval source management: how recycling tires offers an affordable, sustainable and eco-friendly approach to vector control Paul Hollwedel, Zzapp Malaria, Israel
Work Stream IV: The role of private commercial sectors in malaria
Case study: Tourism
Work Stream V: Multi-sectoral messaging - Reaching beyond the ‘usual suspects’
- Keynote speech:
- Identifying the gaps in the key messaging for multi-sectoral management Nabukenya Mariam Wamala, Uganda National Malaria Control Program & Social Behaviour Change Working Group
- Harmonizing Multi-Sectoral Messaging: a comprehensive approach for effective communication and collaboration Marion Natukunda, Ministry of Health, Uganda
- Introducing the new global Elimination Interest Group Allison Tatarsky, UCSF, USA
Panel discussions: Perspectives from countries on the relationship between Tourism and Malaria Management
- Ghana, Dr Keziah Malm
- Tanzania, Dr Jubilate Minja
- Madagascar, Dr Hasina Harinjaka Ramiandrisoa
Panel on Human-made malaria: ‘Don’t be part of the problem, be part of the solution’
- Dr Philip Welkhoff – BMGF, Director Malaria (Role of multisectoral action for permanent malaria elimination in Africa)
- Dr Charles Mbogo – KEMRI (Role of economic development in malaria elimination)
- Dr Esther Obonyo – Penn State University (Role of multisectoral actors in the mitigation of the effects of climate change on malaria)
- Dr Melinda Hadi – Vestergaard (Role of private sector in malaria-smart actions)
Panel discussion on mainstreaming malaria-smart development funding
- Dr Jennifer Gardy- BMGF, Malaria Deputy Director on Surveillance, Data, and Epidemiology and interim Director Institute for Disease Modeling
- Dr Ida-Marie Ameda - UNICEF
- Mr Sam Okello, Kisumu City Board, Kenya
- Dr Graham Alabaster – UNHabitat