Countries responding to the dual challenge of malaria and COVID-19: South Sudan case study
12 - 01 - 21
Countries responding to the dual challenge of malaria and COVID-19: Zambia case study
12 - 01 - 21
Countries responding to the dual challenge of malaria and COVID-19: Malaysia case study
12 - 01 - 21

Media update (05.10.2020) - Speed Up Scale-Up: A global call to boost protection against malaria for pregnant women in Africa
20 - 10 - 20
Media update (27.07.2020) - Stepping up the fight against malaria ahead of the rainy season
04 - 08 - 20
Media update (13.07.2020) - Celebrating 2 years of the Zero Malaria Starts with Me movement across Africa
20 - 07 - 20
Media update (29.06.2020) - Malaria commodities: ensuring continued availability and affordability of life-saving tools during the COVID-19 pandemic
07 - 07 - 20
Countries responding to the dual challenge of malaria and COVID-19: Benin case study
29 - 06 - 20
Media update (15.06.2020) - Countries are taking action during ‘window of opportunity’ to save lives from malaria and COVID-19
24 - 06 - 20
Imperial College London: The Potential Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on HIV, TB and Malaria in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
08 - 06 - 20
Business Alliance Against Malaria (BAAM): Keeping malaria in sight during the Covid-19 pandemic
02 - 06 - 20
Monitoring and evaluation of malaria-related routine data during the COVID-19 pandemic
26 - 05 - 20

Community-based health care, including outreach and campaigns,in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (IFRC, UNICEF, WHO)
08 - 05 - 20
Adapting seasonal malaria chemoprevention in the context of COVID-19: operational guidance
06 - 05 - 20
RBM Partnership to End Malaria Country Tracker to Mitigate the Effect of COVID-19 on Malaria (updated 16 December 2021)
06 - 05 - 20
WHO The potential impact of health service disruptions on the burden of malaria: a modelling analysis for countries in sub-Saharan Africa
23 - 04 - 20
Considerations for distribution of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) in COVID-19 affected countries - The Alliance for Malaria Prevention & RBM Partnership to End Malaria
09 - 04 - 20

The Lancet: Preparedness is essential for malaria-endemic regions during the COVID-19 pandemic
03 - 04 - 20