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Country overview

Macro-economic and population profile[1]

GDP per capita (USD) (2016) 877.5
Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) (2016) 6.7
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) (2016) 32
Industry value added (% of GDP) (2016) 27
Services value added (% of GDP) (2016) 41
Foreign Direct Investment, net inflows (Balance of Payments, current USD) (millions) (2016) 1,365
Country population (2016) 57.3 million
Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of population) (2010) 28.2
Urban population growth (annual %) (2016) 5.3
World Bank ease of doing business ranking (out of 190 countries)[2] 137

Malaria burden and funding profile[3]

Estimated number of malaria cases (2017) 6,477,825
Population at risk (2017) 57,310,016
Key national malaria control targets

To reduce 2012 malaria morbidity and mortality levels by 80% by 2020

To reduce malaria prevalence from 10% in 2012 to 5% in 2016 and to 1% in 2020

Total need (essential commodities + supporting interventions) (2018-2020) (USD) 591,409,336
Total committed (essential commodities + supporting interventions) (2018-2020) (USD) 287,542,922
Total gap in funding (essential commodities + supporting interventions) (2018-2020)(USD) 303,866,414

Sources of funding:


Overview of country economy and private sector landscape

While Tanzania has enjoyed domestic stability, most of its population live below the World Bank poverty line. Malaria is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Tanzania, costing an estimated $240 million every year in lost GDP.[4] Tanzania is reputed to have a relatively well developed policy environment for public-private collaboration in health, and one of the first governments in the region to create a comprehensive policy framework encouraging a greater role for the private sector in health. The creation of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare‘s (MOHSW‘s) Public-Private Partnership Technical Working Group (PPP-TWG) is also a demonstration of Tanzania’s commitment to promoting dialogue and development of public-private collaboration in health.

[1] Sources: World Bank Development Indicators, accessed at: on 17th June 2018; and World Bank Doing Business Reports, accessed at on 17th June 2018.

[2] A ranking of 1 would equate to the highest ease of doing business, with a regulatory environment conducive to the starting and operation of a local firm.

[3] Sources: World Malaria Report 2018, accessed at on 3rd December 2018; and Roll Back Malaria Funding Gap Analysis 2017, accessed at on on 5th June 2018.

[4] USAID. Tanzania Private Health Sector Assessment. 2013. Accessed at on June 14th 2018.