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Country overview

Macro-economic profile[1]

GDP per capita (USD) 1,965.55 (2017)
Country population 1.3 billion (2018)
Agriculture as a % of GDP 17
Industry as a % of GDP 29
Services as a % of GDP 54
FDI 44,459
Poverty head count 21.9 (2010)
Urban population growth 2.3
Inflation 3.6
World Bank ease of doing business ranking (out of 190 countries) 100


Malaria burden and funding profile[2]

Estimated number of malaria cases (2017) 13,260,000
Population at risk (2017) 1,251,329,914
Key national malaria control targets Malaria-free status by 2030
Total need (essential commodities + supporting interventions) (2018-2020) (USD) 1,003,597,054
Total committed (essential commodities + supporting interventions) (2018-2020) (USD) 283,514,367
Total gap (essential commodities + supporting interventions) (2018-2020) (USD) 720,082,687

Souces of funding:


Overview of country economy and private sector landscape

India is the world's largest democracy and according to UN estimates, its population is expected to overtake China's in 2028 to become the world's most populous nation. It has emerged as an important regional power in recent years with its growing economy. Among the BRICS countries and other newly industrialised nations, however, India spends the least on health per capita.[3¨][4]

India is one of the world’s leading suppliers of generic medicines; the country’s generic drugs account for 20% of global generic drug exports in terms of volumes.

The private sector also plays a major role in health service provision in India, providing almost 80% of outpatient and 60 % of inpatient care.[5] India’s new Health Policy 2017, the first issued in 14 years, is seen to consider the role of the private sector as valuable to plugging gaps in services through the strategic purchasing of care from private facilities and clinics.

With regards to philanthropy, a Bain and Company report of the philanthropy landscape in India in 2017 reported that contributions from individual philanthropists has been steadily rising in recent years, growing faster than funds from foreign sources and funds contributed through CSR.[6] Private donations from philanthropists represented 32% of total contributions to the development sector in 2016, up from 15% in 2011.[7]

In 2014, the government also mandated a bill to companies with net profits above a threshold to spend 2% of that profit on CSR.[8] Under the bill,  companies have full flexibility in developing their own social investment strategies, in accordance with government specified areas of particular need, including malaria, maternal and child health, HIV, and TB. The government also requests that companies to give preference to the local areas of operation.

Although malaria was once nearly eradicated in India, it returned to the country in the late 1970s, and today is one of the most widespread causes of death, disability and economic loss, particularly among lower socio-economic groups who have limited access to timely and effective treatment.[9] India has committed to eliminating malaria by 2030, as part of the national framework for malaria elimination.

The World Bank ease of doing business report ranks India as 100 of 190 countries in 2017, rising thirty places from the previous year but still ranking below most of the BRICS countries.

[1] Sources: World Bank Development Indicators, accessed at: on 17th June 2018; and World Bank Doing Business Reports, accessed at on 17th June 2018.

[2] Sources: World Malaria Report 2018, accessed at on 29th November 2018; and Roll Back Malaria Funding Gap Analysis 2017, accessed at on on 5th June 2018.

[3] BRICS nations are the five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa

[4] AlJazeera. India’s healthcare: private vs public sector. 2017. Accessed at on June 13th 2018.

[5]  Devex. 2017. India turns to private sector to boost health coverage. Accessed at: on June 13th 2018.

[6] GBC Health. 2014. India mandates corporate social responsibility: the 2% bill. Accessed at: on June 13th 2018.

[7] Ibid.

[8] GBC Health. 2014. India mandates corporate social responsibility: the 2% bill. Accessed at: on June 13th 2018.

[9] World Bank. 2010. Malaria: India’s battle against a complex disease. Accessed at: on June 14th 2018.
