Session 1 - Restructuring of VCWG work stream, call of interest and refreshed focus
- Abdourahmane Diallo - RBM Partnership Strategic Plan 2021–2025
- Justin McBeath & Keziah Malm - The first restructure of the Vector Control Working Group in five years!
- Hannah Koenker & Allan Were - Enhancing the impact of core interventions work stream - evolution, structure and future plans
- Allison Tatarsky & Sheila Ogoma - Expanding the vector control toolbox work stream - evolution, structure and future plans
- Mark Hoppé & Chadwick Sikaala - Implementing the Global Vector Control Response - evolution, structure and future plans
Session 2 - Updates from the vector control community
- Jan Kolaczinski - Update on recent, ongoing and future Global Malaria Programme work on malaria entomology and vector control
- Raman Velayudhan - Global Vector Control Response (2017-2030) An update
- Kate Kolaczinski & Patrick Okello - The Global Fund’s support to vector control
- Rick Steketee - Partnering in the fight to end malaria: what's new on PMI's agenda
- Nick Hamon - Delivering a toolbox of disruptive vector control innovations for malaria eradication
- Joseph Wagman - Maintaining malaria vector surveillance in the context of COVID-19 mitigation
Updates from the Working Groups
Session 3 - Work stream 1: Enhancing the impact of core interventions
- Hannah Koenker & Allan Were - Introduction to Task Forces – for discussion at end
- Neil Lobo - The Entomological Surveillance Planning Tool (ESPT): Evaluating interventions based on functionality and gaps in protection
- Tom Churcher - Optimising the deployment of vector control tools against malaria
- Sarah Burnett - Experience working directly with countries to support country-led national decision-making processes using their available data sources (Brief remarks)
- Saraha Rabeherisoa - Comparative study of the protective efficacy of the distribution of isolated LLINs and LLIN+IRS in two regions with high malaria transmission in Madagascar
- Joe Wagman & Julia Mwesigwa - Interim update from the New Nets Project pilot evaluations
- Amelia Bertozzi-Villa - Patterns of net ownership, retention, and use in sub-Saharan Africa
- Stephen Poyer - Streamlined ITN durability monitoring
- Angus Spiers - Making the case for method validation
- Rosemary Lees - Developing consensus SOPs for evaluating nextgeneration ITNs
Session 4 - Work stream 3: Implementing the global vector control response
- Mark Hoppé & Chadwick Sikaala - VCWG WS3 presentation
- Willem Takken - Innovative strategies for vector control - Progress in the global vector control response
- Fiona Shenton - Building out vector-borne diseases: Research on innovations and pathways for scaling-up
- Kristin Saarlas - The Health Campaign Effectiveness Coalition
- Lucia Fernandez - New developments in the WHO DHIS2 entomological surveillance toolkit
- Tessa Knox & Amanda Murphy - Initiatives to strengthen vector surveillance in the Pacific so as to optimise vector control effectiveness
- Emily Dantzer - Key findings from a global landscape analysis on entomological surveillance best practices
- Dennis Aribodor - The need for multiple approaches to the control of vectors cannot be overemphasized
- Anne Wilson - Introduction to the 'Controlling emergent Anopheles stephensi in Ethiopia and Sudan' (CEASE) project
- Arran Hamlet - Predicting the public health impact of Anopheles stephensi invasion on the transmission of falciparum malaria in Ethiopia
- Jo Lines - The spread of Anopheles stephensi through East Africa is causing increasing concern amongst malaria control programme managers
Session 5 - Work stream 2: Expanding the vector control toolbox
- Sheila Barasa & Allison Tatarsky - Introduction, scene setting, workplan
- Win Han Oo & Julia Cutts - Evaluation of the effectiveness of topical repellent distributed by village health volunteer networks against Plasmodium spp. infection in Myanmar: A steppedwedge cluster randomised trial
- Eric Ochomo - Spatial repellents for the control of vector borne diseases
- Richard Allan & Laura Paris - Operational research on vector control in emergencies
- Elliott Dossou-Yovo - Rice intensification: could climate change interventions help African malaria elimination?
- Htin Kyaw Thu - Community engagement for vector control: key learning from APMEN VCWG workshop
- April Monroe - Unlocking the human factor to increase effectiveness and sustainability of vector control tools
- Mario Avila - Using the Entomological Surveillance Planning Tool (ESPT) to integrate human behavioral and entomological data towards identifying gaps in protection in Guna Yala, Panama
- Mathias Mondy - Attractive targeted sugar baits (ATSB): the development pathway of a new product class
- Laura Norris - GM & Gene Drive Mosquitoes: Product Development Pathway
- Mamadou Coulibaly - Making lab and field progress towards the development of gene drive mosquitoes for malaria control in Africa
- Carlos Chaccour - Endectocides: current state