- Abraham Mnzava - Vector Control Policy Updates and Priorities
- Christen Fornadel - Maintaining Effective Vector Control in Light of Increasing Insecticide Resistance
- Egon Weinmueller - Perspectives from Crop Life International Vector Control Team
- Florence Fouque - TDR Strategy in Vector Control: Past achievements, on-going projects, future opportunities/challenges
- Helen Prytherch - GMAP2: Current Status and Next Steps
- Jacob Williams - Meeting Objectives and Agenda
- Jo Lines - Achievements and Way Forward for VCWG
- Konstantina Boutsika - Membership, Information Exchange and Budget
- Mar Velarde - MESA Track
- Mike Reddy & Dan Strickman - Supporting Accelerate to Zero: The BMGF Malaria Vector Control Research Agenda
- Summary Day 1
- Ahmad Raeisi - Demonstrating cost-effective and sustainable larval control methods in an urban setting as an alternative to the use of chemical methods
- Henry Owusu - Comparability between insecticide resistance bioassays for mosquito vectors: time to review current methodology?
- Karl Malamud-Roam - The IR-4 Public Health Pesticides Inventory – A New Tool for Integrated Vector Control Management
- Kevin Kobylinski - Ivermectin mass drug administration to humans as a potential tool for malaria elimination
- Melinda Hadi - Insecticide resistance in malaria vectors: latest updates from IR Mapper
- Marlize Coleman - Enabling tools to support sustainable vector control
- MESTO Sprayers: Professional Indoor Residual Sprayers (IRS) & Vector Control Use
- Capacity Building for IRS Work Stream
- Continuous LLIN Distribution Systems Work Stream
- Durability of LLINs in the Field Work Stream
- Entomological Monitoring and IVM Work Stream
Housing and Malaria Work Stream
Larval Source Management Work Stream
Consensus Statement VCWG AMP MIP
Optimizing Evidence for Vector Control Interventions Workstream